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EV charging case studies in Australia and NZ
A selection of our recent public electric car charging projects
The team at EVolution has worked to develop and deliver the best electric car charger solutions for councils, hotels, shopping centres, car parks and fleet operators.
If you are a venue operator or a tradie looking for help with your next project
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Aventus Shopping Centres
Aventus Group have partnered with EVolution Australia to install monitored and managed EV charging stations multiple locations locations across Australia.
"As sector leaders we have a role in driving industry best practice, as well as supporting initiatives that encourage the use of electric vehicles, as well as other sustainability initiatives and processes.” said Aventus Group CEO Darren Holland.
The initial deployment of dual-port 22kW AURA chargers by ChargeAmps were installed at Cranbourne Home and Peninsula Home way back in 2019 and have been free for EV drivers to use ever since. We have since applied management via the UpCharge app so Aventus can track usage and market to repeat visitors.
Westfield Woden, ACT
One of our most popular public charging locations in Australia.
Installed way back in 2017, Westfield Woden sees hundreds of charging sessions every week.
With a Plugshare reliability score of 9.3, the location is popular not only for its close proximity to amenities but also its reliability.
Aussie made 1st generation AURIGA units haven't missed a beat in over 6 years.
Looking for public charging solutions? Call 1300 70 11 99 or email to start the conversation.

Hickory Built Apartments - With Paywave EV Credit Card Payments
A challenging EV charging installation that required an innovative back end solution with front end PayPass (tap and go) payment system.
These ChargeAmps AURA units are online and open for both public and private (tenants) use, offering a fast and contactless way to charge and go. This charging site is located in the Melbourne CBD, with easy access to work and shopping.
Now connected to the network of our partner company EVUp, this EV charging project is the first of several multi-level residential installs we've deployed over the last 5+ years.
Fleet EV Charging Infrastructure for Powercor
The transition to green fleet within a large organisation typically requires more than a point solution and Powercor was no exception.
The largest energy generator in Australia needed a reliable and holistic charging solution for their fleet.
Without wanting to reveal any spoilers we specified a blend of DC Fast, (level 3), 22kW AC Wall (level 2) GARO units and a number of slower portables (granny chargers) so the fleet could charge fast when they needed to without busting the budget or building electricity supply.
The UpCharge Fleet software module enabled the fleet manager to track both energy and vehicle usage historically and in real time.
To find out more head over to our sister company EVUp

Mansfield Apartments
"We don't know anything about EV Charging!". Is how the call started with Mansfield Apartments.
Businesses understand want to attract EV drivers in their Hyundai, Datsuns and Teslas to their venues but they may not know the intricacies of EV Charging.
In the case of motels, hotels and airbnbs they further know that EV Chargers are an absolute necessity for drivers of electric cars if they're to visit & travel in confidence.
Back to Mansfield apartments.
Charging at this location went live in January 2022. The apartment building chose 2 x dual port Aussie made AURIGA 22kW units and elected to monetise via the UpCharge Application.
The owner can monitor charging sessions in real time, vary the tariffs on the fly and offer free charging with a flick of a button. The location is heavily used by public as well patrons as public charging in the area is considered unreliable and inconvenient.
City of Freemantle Public EV Charger
Another success Story for our Aussie made AURIGA. This time for the City of Freemantle, WA.
For EV owners travelling through Perth and the rest of WA a stop at Freemantle is a mandatory stop off. The charger enables travellers to top up their battery and top up themselves with something from the bakery or local shops.
Since installing the charger, it is already proving to be popular, with numerous check-ins and anecdotes about meals and coffees bought at the nearby cafes and restaurants. What's more local EV drivers without the benefit of a home charging have become dependent upon the facility
This represented an extremely modest investment for the council but has helped generate massive and regular revenue and attracted additional foot traffic for local businesses.

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